About TFS

The Feedback Society is a website that writes about (ahem, obsesses over) music, film, television, literature, comic books, and geekdom. We come from the heart of the Canadian prairie, but we have readers and contributors from all over the world.

The Feedback Society was started as a place where professional writers could publish articles about media they were passionate about — material their editors weren’t always rushing to publish. We put this together because we needed to get this kind of writing out of our system anyway, so it might as well have a place to live online.

Our stellar contributors have written for publications like The National Post, MSN, NPR, Vice (and Noisey), Weird Canada, The Huffington Post, Pop Matters, Exclaim!, BeatRoute, VanCity Buzz, The Toronto Star, The Calgary Herald, Decibel, Planet S Magazine, Prairie Dog Magazine, Ominocity, The Winnipeg Spectator, The Saskatoon Star Phoenix, and more. A few of our writers and editors are also pop culture commentators on radio and television, from CBC to CTV and beyond. Several contributors are jurors with organizations like the Polaris Music Prize and The Juno Awards. The Feedback Society has sponsored events like MoSo Conference and Festival, The Saskatchewan Entertainment Expo, The Regina Folk Festival, and The Saskatoon Fantastic Film Festival.

Having all been young writers at one time, we also take pride in publishing amateur and unknown writers. We are happy to provide them with feedback (pun intended) about their work from professional editors, as well as a place to publish their thoughts.

The true aim of The Feedback Society, though, is to geek out about our favourite movies, music, books, and more. We look at the mainstream stuff you’d expect, but we also dig into more obscure material. We’ve built a community of writers and the pop culture obsessed here, so in many cases we’re bringing new recommendations to each other. This is a site mostly written by people who consume media at an alarming rate, people who take these trivial matters of entertainment far more seriously than they should.

So sit back, grab a glass of your favourite poison, and join us in The Feedback Society!

Contact Us:

Got something to say? You can find us on Twitter and Facebook or email us directly at editor@thefeedbacksociety.com.

Write For Us:

If you’d like to trying your hand at spilling some digital ink, you can send a query to the all-knowing, all-seeing Editor. Keep in mind that you’ll be writing for people who enjoy smart writing, so even if you’re a newb, there is still some effort involved. You can make contact at editor@thefeedbacksociety.com.

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