Local Music: Actor/Director’s New Single, ‘The Last Take’

I’m sure many music fans can commiserate with my feeling of both excitement and dread as the onslaught of new music begins to wash ashore in the cyclical tide of spring releases. So much to hear and so little time! With that being said, I had the complete pleasure of digging into “ The Last Take’ – a brand new single for Saskatoon-Based two piece Actor Director this morning. Self-produced by band members Jared Beattie and Emily Kohlert – this new single is accompanied by ‘Gold’ and ‘Dear Friend,’ two previously-released tracks that were remastered for this release.
Self-described as a group that, “has no table scraps,” AD’s new single instantly struck me for their use of space. Opening on a droning synth tone reminiscent of Blade Runner or Tron, I was instantly sucked into their lush synthesis landscape. Wasting no time with pleasantries, this opening organically builds into a subtle but punchy drum beat that provides support for the opening vocal. The vocal’s production on ‘The Last Take’ is notably more dry and “real” sounding than their group’s previous releases. I immediately found this charming and enjoyed the sense of intimacy it created.

Functioning both as a criticism and love letter to the modern world, the lyrical and the emotional tone seem to ping pong back and forth between a settled and stable feeling and darker moments accented by unison vocals similar to THE KILLS. This emotional tap dance gives way to a chorus very reminiscent of the seminal album, ‘Set Yourself On Fire,’ from Canadian indie darlings, STARS. As soon as I felt like I had found my footing in this track, it entered a bridge section that feels darker/more pragmatic than anything else offered so far. Accentuated by synthesis modulations, vocal cuts, and a droning build, the listener is left feeling unsettled as the final lyrics ring out in an ambient abyss.
All in all, I found ‘The Last Take’ from Actor Director to be a pleasant listen that features a full offering of familiar sounds and choices that made me feel comfortable as a first time listener. It is important to note that while the group made great use of familiarity on their most recent release, I never found myself lulled into complacency as they constantly found unique and interesting ways to utilize all the elements.