TFS Music of the Week – The Zeldas
This week in The Feedback Society’s Music of the Week, we look at the new album from Thunder Bay’s The Zeldas. Sunshine and shoegaze abound.

Our musical selection of the week is ‘Cool Waves’ from The Zeldas, who are based in Thunder Bay.
The album started out as a just-for-the-hell-of-it home recording of a few tracks, well before Covid. But once the pandemic hit, not being able to play gave the band more time to write, record, and refine, growing the project into a full-length album.
And it’s a great album. It’s Here Comes the Sun after gobbling up a fistful of Clozapine with a Benzo chaser.
Unapologetically influenced by shoegaze bands like My Bloody Valentine and the more psychedelic melodies of The Beach Boys, the songs are drenched in fuzz, with chords that bend like they’re on a warped tape moving through an old Walkman, twisting like hung laundry in the hot summer haze.
In fact, the words “sun” or “sunshine” appear in several different songs, including a beautiful refrain of My Darling Sunshine. It feels like a hot summer haze, the sun glinting off shit, floating down a river in a plastic tube with a joint between your lips and a beer nestled in your crotch.
Without getting cloying or melodramatic, ‘Cool Waves’ is a bright-light antidote to these dark times.
Check out ‘Cool Waves’ on The Zelda’s Bandcamp or look for the upcoming CD on Cardinal Fuzz.