The Incredibles 2 – Blu ray and Digital Review
The Incredibles 2 makes its way to home video and we take a deep dive look at the release, including a ton of special features.
The Incredibles was one of the best Fantastic Four movies ever made, showing us how good a superhero movie could be before most of the glut of these popcorn movies arrived in our theatres. It was fun, it had heart, and it looked great — Pixar doing what Pixar does. Finally, after 14 years, we got a sequel in The Incredibles 2. That movie has come to home video via both a 4K and a blu ray and digital release, which we’ll look at today.
In terms of the movie itself, as you can see in our own Noah Dimitrie’s review, some thought it was a wonderful return to characters they loved, while other thought it should have ratcheted up the thrills a bit more for a sequel. Regardless of expectations, it’s hard to argue that it’s not an entertaining movie. The audio video quality is top notch — it looked great on our TV and sounded great on our surround system. (Note: this review is for the blu ray release)
And as we keep seeing with Disney/Marvel/Pixar releases lately, they’ve spared no expense in giving us a home video release with an embarrassment of riches, so much so that they don’t even fit on one disc.
Disc 1
- Bao – The original short that accompanied Incredibles 2 in theatres, with a Canadian angle for all our Canuck readers!
- Auntie Edna –Edna Mode babysits Jack Jack.
- Strong Coffee: A Lesson in Animation with Brad Bird – Brad Bird, talks about his early years and how the lessons he learned influence his movies.
- Audio Commentary – This stuff is always fascinating. Finding out how they match animation to character is revelatory for anyone interested in writing and animation. Brad Bird introduces this commentary with animators Dave Mullins, Alan Barillaro, Tony Fucile, and Bret Parker.
Disc 2
- Super Stuff – a featurette that explores some random elements from villains and background characters to the Elasticycle.
- Paths to Pixar: Everyday Heroes – a look behind the curtain at Pixar employees and how they interact with the movies and work/life balance.
- SuperBaby –Some Disney Channel kids visit Pixar
- Ralph Eggleston: Production Designer
- Making Bao
- Heroes & Villains – Mini-documentaries that explore the characters
- Vintage Features – These are fun if you love retro vibes
- Vintage Toy Commercials
- Character Theme Songs
- Deleted Scenes – there are a ton of them!
- Trailers and Promo
All-in-all, a tidy set of features that give great insight into a very creative company and one of their best franchises. Definitely worth your time.